
The old house had been empty for years.

As the squeaking mice hurried under the cracked floor-boards the smell of rotting wood filled the air. Curtains had been ripped off their rails and drooped silently over the stair-rail of the jagged up and forgotten stairs. Mouldy bread sat on the cracked kitchen bench while the fridge door swayed from side to side. A slight breeze blew in the window spreading the rotting wood smell throughout the deadly atmosphere.

  1. wake up
  2. get dressed and do hair
  3. make lunch
  4. eat breakfast
  5. brush teeth
  6. pack bag
  7. bike to school

PAST: Yesterday I woke up and heard my alarm, i got dressed and did my hair, I made my lunch and ate my breakfast, i then brushed my teeth and packed my bag, lastly i biked to school.

PRESENT: Tomorrow I will I wake up and hear my alarm, i get dressed and do my hair, I make my lunch and eat my breakfast, i then brush my teeth and pack my bag, lastly i bike to school.

FUTURE: Tomorrow I will wake up and hear my alarm, I will then get dressed and do my hair, next i will eat my breakfast, brush my teeth and pack my bag, lastly i will bike to school.

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