
Cantankerous- angry

Pong- yucky smell

Sacrosanct- important

diffident- shy

austere- stern

malevolent- evil

voracious- greedy

eradicate- destroy

ardour- passion

ruminate- thinking deeply

The supermarket-

  1. c
  2. c
  3. c
  4. c
  5. c
  6. c
  7. c
  8. c
  9. c
  10. c
  11. c
  12. packaging
  13. advertisement
  14. posters
  15. discounts
  16. snacks
  17. fruit
  18. supervisers
  19. checkers
  20. black
  21. white
  22. red
  23. dispensers
  24. staff
  25. cheese
  26. veges
  27. money
  28. chips
  29. cars
  30. trolley

Swarms of people filled the ailes as the checkouts beeped away with pounds of earnings being spent. The stench of freshly produced deli food took over the building while customers hurried round like it was the last day on earth. The bakery was stacked with new produce with little children gathering round begging for a taste. As baskets were stashed

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